Episode 126: The Thrill of Ordinary Pleasures


Let yourself think of five things you love, five reasons to feel joy, five people who make the world a better place to be.

The vast silence of the desert at night, coyotes calling to each other from some faroff place.

When you finally manage to close a window that’s been stuck open for ages.

When something is real and honest and true and doesn’t feel cheesy or simple.

The leaves beginning to change in the fall.

Watching laundry go around and around in the dryer.

Meeting someone who makes you reconsider your views on the world.

A single sentence in a book that unlocks something inside of you, you didn’t know was locked up.

Asking a little kid to draw a picture of you -- seeing yourself how they see you.

Eating chocolate pudding out of the container.

Roaring too fast down a bumpy dirt road.

Laying down on the carpet in front of a fireplace with a crackling fire.

Being early for the airport on a day you really can’t be late.

Only having to choose between two things.

A pair of rainboots, walking in the mud in the forest after a hard rain.

Remembering a childhood friend, looking them up on the Internet and reconnecting after decades.

When your favorite author’s new book is really good.

An enormous BBQ the entire neighborhood attends -- every family on the block, kids running and everyone cooking, enjoying the last of summer.

Someone else handing you a jacket when you forgot to bring one.

Snorkeling for the very first time, exploring a different world under the surface of the water.

Feeling like you are just at the start of a very long time of knowing and loving someone.



Happiness Spells Podcast is a five minute list of all the greatest pleasures and smallest joys in life. Increase your capacity for positivity, curiosity and gratitude.

This episode of Happiness Spells was written, arranged, recorded and produced by Amanda Meyncke in Temecula, CA. Our music is by Chris Zabriskie.

Amanda Meyncke