Episode 136: The Perfect Witty Retort, Just When You Need It


A list of things that might make you happy, day in and day out.

Watching an enormous yellow moon rise high in the night sky.

Standing in the shadow of a building on a hot day, stepping out into the sun as you continue on your way.

Looking through a book of pictures of Carlsbad Caverns, daydreaming about seeing it in person.

Dancing your heart out at Zumba class, not caring what you look like.

Finding a spot in the building with a crazy sounding echo.

Being the last one in a restaurant, Listening to the staff talking and laughing just before they close for the night.

Realizing you actually do know what you’re talking about.

Palm trees against the darkening night sky.

Getting better at something with practice, a little better every day.

Deleting Facebook and Instagram off your phone.

Learning how to trust again, after your heart’s been broken.

The perfect witty retort, just when you need it.

Hiking to a gorgeous overlook of your city, sitting still and looking at it for hours.

Giving yourself a little loving-kindness, being gentle with yourself.

Learning how to sit in discomfort without distracting yourself immediately.

A friend on a long trip texting pictures from faraway lands -- it’s different than posting on social media, they just wanted YOU to see them.

Allowing other people to grow and change their minds about all kinds of things.

Sorting all the m&m’s in a package by color before eating them.

Looking up houses online in neighborhoods you’d like to live in, looking through the rooms and daydreaming.

Using an egg beater to make whipped cream.

Reading a sentence so profound it demands all of your attention, something that feels written just for you.



Happiness Spells Podcast is a five minute list of all the greatest pleasures and smallest joys in life. Increase your capacity for positivity, curiosity and gratitude.

This episode of Happiness Spells was written, arranged, recorded and produced by Amanda Meyncke in Temecula, CA. Our music is by Chris Zabriskie.

Amanda Meyncke