Episode 143: The World Needs Your Weirdness


Oh everything about you is unexpected and so very much wanted!

Getting good at a language enough to make little jokes, understand little turns of phrase, how it lights you up inside.

Wandering the fabric store oohing and ahhing over all the most interesting fabrics.

Returning to the gym after a long while and feeling strong in your own body.

Watching chiropractic videos on YouTube, so satisfying.

Someone introducing you to a food you’d never normally eat, finding it so delicious.

Touching the softest sweater you can imagine, just luxuriating in the gentle feel, imagining it on your skin.

When you finally feel motivation and get a lot done all at once.

Eating one single square of really good chocolate, how delicate the flavor is, how perfectly bitter and sweet all at once

Smelling all the different candles that came out for the holiday season.

Making someone else laugh so hard they’re almost crying.

Hearing a word you don’t know and looking it up.

When someone smells so good you have to stop and ask what perfume they’re wearing.

Meeting a personal hero and they’re even better than you dared to hope.

When a coincidence happens that’s so specific and unique, you can’t even believe it.

Taking a tour of a home that you’d never buy, exploring the different rooms, thinking how you’d decorate differently.

Giving a baby their first taste of cake, the funny facial expressions they make.

Hearing a harp or a cowbell in a rock song, how out of place it feels, it makes you laugh.

Old people who are still madly in love, and you can tell.

The start sound for a video game you played as a young kid, it takes you back instantly.

A movie adaptation that lives up to your expectations.

That this world has a way of reminding you that your life is a good place to be, that you are loved, that the world needs your weirdness in it.



Happiness Spells Podcast is a five minute list of all the greatest pleasures and smallest joys in life. Increase your capacity for positivity, curiosity and gratitude.

This episode of Happiness Spells was written, arranged, recorded and produced by Amanda Meyncke in Temecula, CA. Our music is by Chris Zabriskie.

Amanda Meyncke